Tuesday, 18 November 2008

My bags are here again...

Went to pick up my bags yesterday as i was told... "sure no problem, its here, pick them up anytime". I got there and i got.. "Its still in Jeddah". Jeddah whats it doing there. Apparently its in the kingdom close to Mecca.

I called and my bags where there and when i went to pick them up.... they were still there. YAY. I have a mouse and dont have to buy rubbish clothes again.

Had my first day at work today. I will elaberate on in another day but while i was there it hit home that they use there own written number system here (see picture). Well they still display "normal " numbers on most things. Made it very interesting what the speed limit was driving to the airport.

I am off to iron some shirts :(


Phewsie said...

OoooOOOO! maybe you'll get used to ironing shirts and will stop telling me the only way it'll get done is if I do it!! Maybe you can even iron my shirts!! :P

Love ya!

Nav said...

He he.. I gave up actually. Better they way they were than me trying to iron them.

Phewsie said...

Keep practising! :P

Glad you got ur bags back! Nice to have your own clothes I bet, and a mouse :)

Unknown said...

How is the mouse called? Dylan the Mouse I? :-D

Nav said...

No sadly "Dylan the Mouse I" died a few years back.