Wednesday, 19 November 2008


The place where i work is a big building in a compound full of big buildings where the cars have tents to keep the heat off and a 6 foot fence surrounding the place. It also has the quietest call centre on the planet. You could hear a pin drop in there. Its not natural.

To get into the building you need get through two guard posts and need a pass for you and your laptop. It all makes sense and would make it a very secure place in practice. I however have non of these but all i need to do is sit in the car past the guard posts and walk into the building the back way. Yes the back. This would also make it the Quietest Unsecured Secure Call Centre in the world. QUSCC sounds catchy.

Has a good canteen though. I had a plate fool of rice and some Chinese spicy fish dish for £2. DEAL!!


Phewsie said...

wow, are you on some secret mission or something!?! Do you really work for Convergys, or for MI5??

Also, I suggest you eat lots and lots of sea food whilst you're there! It's good for you you know.. :P

Love ya!

Unknown said...

So no Burger King of Arabia (BKA) there? That's a shame. You cannot change your daily burger diet for rice. It's not good for your health.